The video series 13 Variables to Dance in the Sun [with Chryse] was part of the Event/Horizons Q(a)R(r)t exhibition that concluded the international project. The series captures 13 activations of a performance/audio score in 13 open-air archeological sites in the city of Athens. The series became a reflection on history, past, present, future and the life that spans in-between. The video series can only be accessed through the Q(a)R(t) codes, a collaboration with Estonian artists Joonas Tagel. The series of images allude to the methodology of the video films, reiterations with variations, each image is based on an image from the fist intervention, but the colour treatment emerges from the colour scheme of the landscape in which the particular event took place.
The 13 actions took place as follows:
13.1 Archeological Site of Pnyx, Athens, Greece, 1st May 2021, 13:00
13.2 Hadrian's Gate, Athens, Greece, 16th May 2021, 13:00
13.3 Ancient Burial Site, Keramikos, Central Athens, 29 May 2021, 13:00
13.4 Temple of Hephaestus, Athens, Greece, 7 June 2021, 13:00
13.5 Ancient Agora of Athens, Greece, 11 June 2021, 13:00
13.6 Hadrian's Library, Athens, Greece,11 June 2021, 14:00
13.7 Roman Agora, Athens, Greece, 11 June 2021, 14:30
13.8 Kypselis, Archeology of Memory, Athens, Greece, 13 June 2021, 13:00
13.9 The Ancient Deme of Koile, Athens, Greece, 20 June 2021, 13:00
13.10 The Temple of Kronos and Rhea, Athens, Greece, 17 July 2021, 13:00
13.11 The Ancient Sanctuary of Pan, Athens, Greece, 17 July 2021, 14:00
13.12 Somewhere un-named , Athens, Greece, 1 August 2021, 13:00
13.13 Archaeology of a life in this city, Neighbourhood of Kypselis, March 2020-May 2021